Well, this weekend is the Oscars. Should be interesting, especially the Best picture category. This year, for the first time since 1943, there are 10 movies in this category, instead of the normal 5.
Some say the 2 movies vying for gold are Avatar and The Hurt Locker. These 2 couldn't be more different. Avatar is a huge movie; it is said to have cost $200 million plus, and has returned $2.5 billion. Hurt Locker cost $15 million, and so far has brought in about $20 million. Avatar is anti-military, whereas Hurt Locker is pro. Avatar is mostly animated; Hurt locker is live action. Avatar - science fiction; Hurt Locker - semi-fiction.
Of these 2, personally, I am rooting for Hurt Locker. Not just because of the left-wing. tree-hugging, anti-military stance of Avatar (although those reasons play a part). I was able to feel that Jeremy Renner's character was a real person, and not some big blue dude with a USB connection in his tail. I guess I could identify with it a lot more.
But if I had to choose from all 10 movies, I'd choose The Blind Side, with Sandra Bullock. What a great movie. Produced for $29 million, it has made $250 million in its run. And as of today, according to Box Office Mojo, it is still #29 on the charts after 105 days in theaters. Pretty amazing. Its also the highest grossing American film that's led by an actress. And Sandra is up for Best Actress, which I hope she gets.
I didn't see Avatar or The Hurt Locker, so I guess I can't commnent on them. I did, however, see The Blind Side and I totally agree that it was an excellent movie. It was uplifting without being fake (since it's based on a true life story) and it was funny, sweet, dramatic, etc. You know I am a fan of Sandra Bullock, so it's no surprise that I am rooting for her. She did a terrific job. For that reason alone, I will watch the Oscars this year (okay, I will DVR them and fast forward to the Best Actress award). What are your thoughts on Best Actor and Jeff Bridges?